Business Services

Annual Accounts

All businesses need to prepare accounts at the end of each accounting period, whether they are run as limited companies, partnerships or as an individual’s sole trade. These accounts will need to be made available to HM Revenue & Customs, to support the tax payable on any profits made in the business. The accounts will be useful to other groups, such as banks and other finance providers. If the business is run through the vehicle of a limited company then accounts in a specified format will need to be filed with Companies House.

We can prepare these accounts, in the required formats, from your records. Your records might comprise computerised data, which we can review electronically, or they may be hand written summaries of income and expenses which we can develop into full accounts.

Business Tax

We will also prepare the appropriate income or corporation tax computations based on these accounts, your individual, partnership or corporate tax return and calculate the tax payable. We will consider any tax planning opportunities arising, and give advice. In conjunction with tax specialists we can provide more detailed advice where this is considered beneficial. We will deal with the administrative headache of dealing with the Inland Revenue on your behalf.

Company Secretarial

We carry out all secretarial duties such as:

  • Forming new companies

  • Share issues and transfer

  • Appointment and resignation of directors

  • Filing annual returns at Companies House

  • Company searches

We have access to the electronic filing facilities with Companies House